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Settling In Period




We want to make sure your child has the happiest start at Ladybirds so we have put together this plan to ensure this happens.


It is really important that staff and parents work together to guarantee this happens. Here at Ladybirds, we feel that it is a partnership between home and daycare and please never hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Step 1 – Welcome Pack & New Children’s Party


The Welcome Pack contains important information about the Nursery and classes and what to expect when your child starts at Ladybirds. Parents will be invited to attend a Welcome Talk, and children will be invited to our New Children’s Party to meet their new friends and teachers before they start in September.  


Step 2 - Starting at Ladybirds


We do have a strict policy that parents do need to leave their child with the staff and not stay too long in the classroom when they first begin. With all our years of experience and trials we now know the best way for your child to separate from you, is with a confident farewell and to not stay too long. The longer the parent stays the harder it is for the child and for the staff. 

We ask parents to stay close to the nursery so that we are able to contact you if your child becomes upset or distressed, to request you return. If your child has settled easily, the staff will call and encourage you to not return until collection time. 

We really believe that a gentle start is best. Your child is welcome to bring a favourite toy or special blanket to school in the first few weeks as this can make your child feel more confident and secure. 


Step 3 – Working Together


You will work very closely with your child’s Key Worker and decide what is best for your child. Each child is different, some children settle in very easily into nursery life, while others take a little longer, this is very normal. Patience is key, as well as a consistent routine at home and at nursery, that really makes a big difference.


It is important that parents and staff communicate and work in partnership with each other to ensure we build a good foundation for your child’s time at Ladybirds.

Please honour our settling in process, as we believe that this is the most successful way of your child having a happy start to nursery life.

Settling In

Parent feedback

"i am happy the way my child has settled in nursery, it took awhile but he is now happy and well familiarised with every one. Really nice group of child carers"

CG mum of 3 year old 


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